Leaders in luxury: Leslie McElwreath

Leaders in luxury: Leslie McElwreath

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Of all the Gilded Age mansions that grace the coveted communities of Greenwich, Connecticut, Copper Beech Farm stands apart. Not only is it the largest, but it’s legendary for its bucolic setting, storied history and unrivaled grandeur. So, of course, when it came up for sale in 2023, the luxury real estate world took notice, and of course, Leslie McElwreath was trusted to oversee it.

“The opportunity to represent the Great Estates of Greenwich is meaningful, and they’re always my favorite transactions,” she says. “Many of these properties have been in the same family for generations and — to the delight of many — are being seen for the first time. I am not actually looking for just a buyer, but the next steward of a piece of Greenwich history.”

Once the sale closed for $138,830,000, it set a Connecticut record, made history as one of the most expensive real estate transactions ever in the United States, and joined a long line of prestigious Gold Coast properties McElwreath has sold. Rockfields. Sabine Farm. Old Mill Farm. Dunellen Hall. The list goes on, encompassing more than $1.625 billion in lifetime sales and earning her the distinction of being one of the top luxury real estate agents worldwide.

How does she do it? Here, McElwreath shares her insights and experiences for how to win in the demanding yet ever-exciting and rewarding luxury real estate industry.

Farewell Manhattan, Hello Belle Haven

Leslie McElwreath – Sotheby’s International Realty – Greenwich Brokerage

When McElwreath’s sale of Copper Beech Farm added to her impressive $386 million in sales for 2023 and helped net her the title of top Sotheby’s International Realty agent for that year, it was the latest in a series of business successes that extend back to when she was an executive on Wall Street.

“I ran the Fixed Income Desk at the JP Morgan Private Bank prior to beginning my career in real estate,” she recounts. The transition to becoming a Senior Global Real Estate Advisor with Sotheby’s International Realty was intuitive. “It was a very natural progression into luxury real estate, as I’ve always worked with high-net-worth individuals and their investments. As a realtor, I’m with the same clientele but focusing on a different asset class, and residential real estate is a much more interesting investment.”

And while selling the Great Estates of Connecticut’s Gilded Age is always a thrill, McElwreath’s top priority is understanding the client’s unique needs, goals and perspectives, then securing the best possible outcome for them. “I believe all transactions are important no matter the size,” she says. “It’s important to remember that they’re all of the utmost importance to the client.”

A luxury brand that knows no borders

Leslie McElwreath – Sotheby’s International Realty – Greenwich Brokerage

Another boon to her success has been her affiliation with Sotheby’s International Realty, citing its unparalleled global presence. “The importance of this reach cannot be overstated in a community like Greenwich, where we consistently see a multitude of buyers from across the country and overseas,” she says.

“In addition, we have a symbiotic relationship with the Sotheby’s Auction House, where we can promote our exclusive listings to their list of 11,000 of the most affluent clients around the globe. These tools set me apart from our competition, and my results reflect these advantages.”

McElwreath has also contributed to Sotheby’s International Realty’s upcoming 2024 Mid-Year Luxury Outlook Report. “The report is an important source of up-to-the-minute real estate trends that are critical to making intelligent purchase and sale decisions,” she explains. “Many of our buyers and sellers own significant properties in other luxury markets, and their decisions are not always made with just a local purchase in mind. Knowing trends across the country — and what future trends are anticipated — can be an important data point in the decision-making process.”

Leveraging success into stewardship

Leslie McElwreath – Sotheby’s International Realty – Greenwich Brokerage

When agents serve as representatives for clients and properties, they’re really representing their local communities, and McElwreath has always recognized the significance of giving back. That’s why she dedicates a portion of every commission she earns to The Greenwich Land Trust, where she serves on the Board of Directors.

“It’s the natural beauty of our beaches, parks and woodlands that sets us apart from other communities,” she explains. “The Greenwich Land Trust has helped preserve over 1,000 acres in Greenwich, and this important work benefits all residents.”

A diamond in the Gold Coast’s crown

Leslie McElwreath – Sotheby’s International Realty – Greenwich Brokerage

Participation and investment in her community has helped make McElwreath a market leader. Though as she points out, it doesn’t hurt that her region is famous for its illustrious homes. “Real estate is big business in Greenwich, Connecticut — everyone wants to own real estate, and everyone wants to talk about real estate,” she says.

“And what could be more exciting and relevant than a career that everyone is interested in? The reality is, our careers allow us to help people and their families throughout their lives — and so if we do our job well, we contribute to the overall wellbeing of our clients and our communities.”

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Leaders in luxury: Fernando Viteri

Leaders in luxury: Fernando Viteri

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To sell luxury properties on Florida’s Southwest Coast is to participate in one of the world’s most vibrant and exciting real estate markets.

Cities like Sarasota — where Fernando Viteri, Certified International Property Specialist, Premier Sotheby’s International Realty, is based — are home to vast expanses of picturesque beaches, where soft sands, clear shallow waters and astonishing waterfront homes afford a luxe lifestyle like no other; along with attractions and institutions that will wow the most discerning art aficionados and cultural connoisseurs.

But it’s not just the exceptional places that make his role as a real estate agent in this region so fulfilling — it’s also the exceptional people. “When I measure my success, what matters most to me are my client relationships,” says Viteri.

These relationships have fueled Viteri’s success working with buyers and sellers on Florida’s Gulf Coast over the last few decades. Here, he shares what he focused on in his career in order to grow business, cultivate a sphere of influence, and invest in a robust and ever-expanding referral network.

Never underestimate the value of versatility

Joel Schemmel – Premier Sotheby’s International Realty

Excellence in luxury real estate is something any agent can learn — so rather than studying it exclusively, develop wide and deep expertise that can boost your business acumen, broaden your horizons, and differentiate you from your competition.

As Viteri notes, “I hold degrees in finance and information systems which, while not directly related to real estate, have empowered me as an entrepreneur, expanded my horizons, and served me and my clients extremely well over the years.

“So, too has my fluency in multiple languages. I can hold conversations in English, Spanish, German and Italian — and this has been very fortunate in a market like Sarasota, which attracts a truly global group of luxury buyers. To be able to assist them in their own dialect has been a great way to build trust and gain repeat business.”

When Viteri first moved from the Washington, D.C. area to Sarasota over 30 years ago, he was bullish on the one-of-a-kind opportunities that the area offered in terms of lifestyle and value. “As someone who has always been multilingual and multidisciplinary in my work, I soon realized I was in the right place because of its incredible diversity,” he notes.

Concentrate on delighting your loyal clients

Joel Schemmel – Premier Sotheby’s International Realty

“Never take your clients for granted,” Viteri advises. “I serve my clients with integrity and to the best of my ability, because that’s what they hired me to do.”

It’s a philosophy that’s paid off handsomely. Not only have Viteri’s clients repeatedly ranked him as “Best in Client Satisfaction”, but it was ultimately because of their constant promotion and support of his business that he ended up being named a NAHREP Top 250 agent.

Ensuring client success can provide you with a North Star — something constant and meaningful to keep your eyes on even as the real estate market, the economy and the world continues to shift around you. “At many moments throughout my career, it has felt like the sky is falling,” says Viteri. “But the one thing that never changes is the need to keep exceeding my clients’ expectations, and as long as I dedicate myself to that, everything else settles as it should.”

A global reach is the greatest resource of all

Joel Schemmel – Premier Sotheby’s International Realty

There are many tools, systems and solutions out there to help real estate professionals make their operations, marketing initiatives, communications, and transactions more efficient. But nothing will serve ambitious agents better than trusted brand recognition and access to an international network of colleges and clients.

“If you have that, then you already have the greatest sales, marketing and communication platform imaginable. And that’s what I have as an affiliate of Sotheby’s International Realty,” says Viteri.

“No other brand that I know of is as committed to delivering top-notch experiences — for buyers and sellers, as well as agents themselves. It’s the sort of platform you can build on indefinitely to create a business more successful than you ever thought possible.”

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Leaders in luxury: Kim Bedwell

Leaders in luxury: Kim Bedwell

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In 1930, the state of Texas adopted “friendship” as its motto. And while the perpetually congenial Kim Bedwell — Global Real Estate Advisor at Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas — embodies this welcoming spirit, it shouldn’t be conflated with an absence of dogged ambition.

“One of the biggest obstacles I faced early in my luxury real estate career was overcoming the perception that I was overly bubbly,” says Bedwell. “By consistently demonstrating my expertise and professionalism, I was able to overcome initial perceptions and establish myself as a knowledgeable and credible luxury real estate agent.”

With $40 million in current sales, annual recognition by RealTrends, and appearances on expert panels for Sotheby’s International Realty global networking events, it’s clear that Bedwell has cemented her place in the upper echelon.

How did she do it? “My firsthand experience living in a high-end community with top-rated schools, coupled with my expertise in design and quality finishings, is a unique combination that equipped me with the skills needed to effectively market high-end homes.” Here, she shares advice on how prior experience can be the engine for runaway success.

Draw from the past

Kim Bedwell – Briggs – Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty

Many luxury real estate agents find their way to the profession after accumulating expertise in other fields. The lessons learned, and rewards earned through these adjacent industries can provide a boost when inexperienced agents are finding their bearings.

“Working in the luxury market wasn’t just a conscious choice, but an easy one,” explains Bedwell. “My background in interior design and construction gave me a keen understanding of spatial layouts, enabling me to accurately assess the potential of a property and envision its transformation into a luxurious space.”

Additionally, Bedwell had long been immersed in high-end communities and developed an innate ability to anticipate what her clients would be seeking. “I understand the nuances and expectations of high-end clientele, and identify features that differentiate luxury properties and highlight them to potential buyers,” she says.

As Bedwell explains, this ability to anticipate the requirements of her clients strengthens relationships and grows her network. “My creative eye is invaluable in helping clients visualize how their belongings will fit and complement the space within a luxury home — it’s a skill that enhances the presentation of properties and facilitates a deeper connection between clients and the homes I represent.”

Leverage the brand

Kim Bedwell – Briggs – Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty

An intimate connection between agent and client is the foundation of success for any luxury real estate agent, and it’s fostered by a commitment to exceptional service. The white-glove approach Bedwell employs is strengthened through her affiliation with Sotheby’s International Realty.

“One key aspect is the ability to offer comprehensive support for clients, especially during renovations and staging, as I prepare their homes for listing,” she notes. “Through Sotheby’s International Realty’s affiliation with the Sotheby’s auction house, clients have access to valuations for special items, art pieces and collectibles, ensuring they receive top-notch service for all their needs.”

The power of an iconic company is not to be underestimated. “Sotheby’s International Realty is set apart by its unique affinity with the legendary Sotheby’s brand,” Bedwell says. “It’s an affiliation that allows for seamless referrals and ensures that clients receive the same level of exceptional service and advantages no matter where they are located, whether it’s North Texas or anywhere else in the world.”

Tips of the trade

Kim Bedwell – Briggs – Freeman Sotheby’s International – Southlake

For those who aspire to combine a predilection for helping people with luxury real estate, Bedwell has several pieces of advice gleaned over years of experimentation. And while Sotheby’s International Realty has, as she explains, “a suite of systems in place behind the scenes that ensure success and streamline processes,” there are four pillars she’s eager to impart:

  • What you focus on expands: “Focus on what you enjoy most and excel at it. Whether it’s networking, marketing, or client relations, pour your passion into your chosen strategy and execute it with precision.”
  • Consistency compounds: “Consistency is the cornerstone of success in the real estate industry. Stay committed to your goals, strategies and relationships.”
  • Relationships matter: “Real estate is as much about people as it is about properties. Cultivate and nurture genuine relationships with clients, colleagues and industry professionals. Building rapport will set you apart and drive your success.”
  • Continuous learning: “The real estate landscape is constantly evolving, so commit to lifelong learning to stay ahead of the curve. Embrace challenges, but view them as opportunities for growth and learning.”

Trust the community

Kim Bedwell – Briggs – Freeman Sotheby’s International – Southlake

Of course, these challenges are considerably easier to navigate with Sotheby’s International Realty’s assembly of professionals and partners. “It’s an incredible network that fosters a culture of relationship building,” beams Bedwell.

She’s confident that her blueprint can be duplicated by others. “With dedication, determination and support, you can achieve your goals and thrive in the luxury real estate industry.

 “Above all — believe in yourself and your abilities.”

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